Principles of Marketing MKG 115 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The goal of this course is to provide students with vocabulary, theories and methods related to marketing. The course looks at the terminology and strategic concepts of marketing and its role in organizations.
English Writing ENG 116 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course provides the basic building blocks for effective university-level writing skills in English. Students learn the mechanics, usage, punctuation, vocabulary, sentence, paragraph structure and advanced grammatical structures necessary for a more sophisticated writing style. Several types of academic essays are examined throughout the course.
Applied Mathematics II MTH 122 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course provides an introduction to basic mathematical techniques used to explore, model, and analyze phenomena in a broad range of subject matters. Students employ analytical, graphical, numerical, and verbal approaches to model solutions to these problems, increasing their reasoning and problem-solving skills. Students develop skills for quantifying mathematical exercises using appropriate linear and non-linear relationships required in economics and business.
Application of Information Processing TEC 202 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course covers advanced information technology concepts and terminology and introduces students to the use of software tools for business applications. It provides a thorough presentation to the use of spreadsheets from basic navigation to building financial models including introduction to database management systems.
Fundamentals of Accounting ACC 105 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course describes the fundamentals of accounting; the objective is to familiarize students with the use of financial statements, journals, ledgers and business transactions.
Micro-Economics ECO 125 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course introduces students to the role of supply and demand in determining market prices. The importance of consumers and firms on supply and demand is emphasized.
Research Methods and Report Writing RES 130 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course assists students to develop their research skills. Different research methods, tools and techniques for effective report writing and presentation are examined.
Statistics STA 243 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The course builds upon and expands the knowledge acquired in mathematics by introducing statistical methods such as inference, intervals of confidence, hypothesis testing and multiple regression technique. Application of statistics to real life problems in a broad range of subject matters are discussed and practiced using spreadsheets and advanced computer based technology. Prerequisite: Applied Mathematics II (MTH 122)
Principles of Management MGT 100 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The course introduces the basic concepts, theories and principles on how a company/organization functions today. Students will learn the challenges modern managers face in running their departments and the company overall. It emphasizes how to make decisions, set objectives, budget and allocate resources, recruit the right people, plan and control in a modern company/ organization.
Essentials of Finance FIN 201 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course is an introduction to the basic principles of finance. It covers financial mathematics, valuation approaches for different financial instruments, the appraisal of capital investment projects and the measurement of financial risk.
Social Psychology PSY 223 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course is an analysis of the structures and properties of human groups. Topics include: group formation, development of role relationships, intragroup and inter-group conflict, and factors influencing group effectiveness.
Calculus MTH 240 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course introduces students to a branch of mathematics focused on limits, functions, derivatives and integrals which constitutes a major part of modern mathematics education. Calculus has widespread applications in science, economics, business, and engineering and can solve many problems for which algebra alone is insufficient. Emphasis is given to developing a logical and systematic approach to problem solving. Revenue and profit, for example, are functions of fluctuating costs and prices, and these in return depend on varying supply and demand. Economics often face optimizing problems that involve making the most efficient use of scarce resources to achieve required goals. Prerequisite: College Algebra (MTH 122)
Business Writing ENG 242 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course prepares students to write successful business correspondence. Basic grammar, style, and rhetorical strategies will be examined. Students will be responsible for writing and editing numerous forms of writing.
Contemporary Themes in History HIS 123 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course provides an introduction to contemporary history – essentially events of the 20th century. The course is taught thematically and covers six major areas – megatrends, war and peace, the end of empires, revolutions, ideologies and national histories. The course is designed as a bridge between knowledge of contemporary history and an understanding of the basics of international relations. An important element of the course is a discussion of national histories and an analysis of how they fit into the wider themes of world history.
International Relations Theories POL 114 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course introduces students to the main issues and concepts of international relations. It discusses major theoretical approaches – liberalism, realism, constructivism, critical theories, feminism, the English School, Marxism and the Green Theory – and their application and limits in analyzing international events. The students will review and critically debate these theories during the course.
Globalization and Global Governance POL 132 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course explores how economic globalization is shaping international relations. An overview of economic globalization and its influence on trade, culture, gender relations, democratization, the structure of the nation state and the inequality among states is provided. Can it be said that globalization is either good or bad? Do the diverse forms of global governance answer this question? Arguments from both sides of the globalization debate will be critically examined. The nature of global institutions such as the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the G8 and G20 is also covered.
Communication in Politics and Society COM 114 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course focuses on the history, evolution and contemporary aspects of communications in politics and society. Particular emphasis is placed on the influence of media in modern societies, political movements and international systems. Theory and practice are combined through case studies and examples from recent and historical political and global events.
Introduction to Mass Communication COM 202 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The course examines the different phases of development of various media. Students study the sociological and economic impact of mass media. Students are expected to analyze media events and provide comments.
Introduction to Computing System CSC 105 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course provides the fundamental concepts of Computer Science, including hardware, software, basic introduction to programming, data structures, algorithms, database and computer networks.
Introduction to Programming CSC 125 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The course introduces students to the basic concepts of computer programming: Analysis of simple algorithms, use of simple data structures, data types, top-down structured design, sequence, control, conditional and looping structures, and file operations. Students will have the opportunity to develop skills at writing programs to solve real world problems.
Object Oriented Programming 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course develops the programming skills by examining the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming: Class, object, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, abstract class and interface. It also explores the implementation techniques such as object representations and garbage collection.
Communication and Presentation Techniques COM 220 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course examines the strategies and skills necessary to make successful business presentations. Students will develop their oral communication skills and examine the components of informative and persuasive presentations.
Macro-Economics ECO 235 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The aim of this course is to examine the impact of national income, monetary policies, interest rates and prices on the global economy. Different economic models and theories are analyzed.
Organizational Behaviour MGT 340 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course provides an introduction to selected critical issues affecting individual and group behavior in organizations. Topics include motivation, teams, leadership, interpersonal communication, effective presentations, as well as the dynamics of conflict and change in organizations.
Quantitative Decision Making STA 341 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The course familiarizes students with techniques commonly used in Quantitative Decision Making. Topics discussed include concepts of decision-making and decision analysis, optimization theory, linear programming, sensitivity analysis, transportation and assignment problems, cross-section analysis, forecasting and time series analysis, waiting line models and Markov processes. Prerequisite: Statistics (STA 243)
Business and Commercial Law LAW 205 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course studies the common law legal system with an emphasis on contract and company law. It also presents a study of selected areas of the transactional aspects of international commercial law with an emphasis on private, rather than public, transactions.
Financial Reporting ACC 232 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The course provides broad knowledge of financial statement analysis techniques and corporate financial reporting practices, as well as the accounting standards upon which these practices are based. The financial reporting topics include, among others, reporting of standard and off-balance sheet transactions, cash flows, consolidated statements, overseas operations, financial instruments, structured financings and asset impairments. Each topic is approached from a variety of perspectives, both theoretically and practically.
Prerequisite: Essentials of Finance (FIN 201).
Human Resource Management MGT 305 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course provides an introduction to key HRM functions found in modern organizations such as: effective job design, staff selection, evaluation, reward systems, management development and organizational training.
Contemporary Ethical Issues MGT 324 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course explores the ethical and philosophical basis for making decisions in business. Students review precedent-setting cases and analyze the effect of government control and legislation on economic and business enterprises; and reviews the use of the law as a tool for generating policy and decision-making.
Creative Problem Solving CPS 207 3 Credits (4ECTS)
Creative Problem Solving is a course designed to assist students in analyzing case studies and complex problems of all types. Using a variety of problem solving techniques, students will learn how to arrive at a range of possible solutions, and how to finally arrive at the optimum solution given the available data. The course uses a large number of practical exercises and is highly participative - the overall objective being that the student will be provided with techniques that can then be applied in other courses throughout the period studying for a degree and in later work situations.
Geopolitics and Analysis POL 321 3 Credits (4ECTS)
Contemporary international relations have been characterized by the increased involvement of non-state actors, rapid technological advances, resource competition, identity conflicts and tensions caused by contradictory effects of globalization. To deal with these challenges, geopolitics takes into account history, geography, strategy, economy and culture in explaining the complexity of current and potential future conflicts.
Negotiation and Dispute Resolution NEG 342 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The goal of this course is to develop interpersonal skills, and the ability to work effectively with others. The issues of power and influence, corporate culture and group dynamics are studied. Students learn selected negotiating strategies and tactics and apply them through practical cases in a global setting.
Managerial Accounting ACC 350 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
Special emphasis is placed on the collection and interpretation of data for managerial decision-making. A study is made of cost concepts used in planning and control, cost- profit-volume analysis, and budgeting. Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Accounting (ACC 105).
Management Information Systems TEC 401 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course prepares students to apply knowledge learned from IT tools to solve management problems and find new opportunities to improve their organizations. It examines how information technology supports managers in their operational and decision-making tasks. Prerequisite: Application of Information Processing (TEC 202).
Global Environmental Issues ENV 200 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
Environmental issues are among the most profound challenges of the 21st century. The widespread degradation of the earth’s air, water, soil and diversity of species is compromising the quality of life of future generations. The course will address the issue of climate change and reveal how transnational cooperation may shape global governance, state sovereignty and human security.
Contemporary Issues in International Relations POL 241 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course examines a range of current issues and risks in world politics today. A foundation in international relations is provided through discussing and debating concepts such as peace, war, international institutions, cooperation, norms, gender, human security, non-state actors, human rights violations, migration, environmental risk, drugs, terrorism and weak states. The effectiveness of political and policymaking efforts to address these issues in world politics is considered, in addition to the future trends that will shape international relations in the next decades.
International Public Law LAW 204 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course explores the breadth and diversity of contemporary public international law. It examines the history and theory of international law, its fundamental sources and principles, its applications, and issues surrounding its enforcement. An overview of the international legal system and its constituent bodies is also presented.
Issues and Crisis Management COM 215 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The public is increasingly aware of local and global issues that effect their life, work and society. Companies and institutions need to be able to manage these issues and interact with the public in a constructive manner before crises emerge. Consequently, active issues management and crisis planning have become key priorities for companies. In this course, students learn through case studies how to analyse issues, design appropriate responses and manage crises when they occur.
Peace and Conflict Studies POL 203 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course explores the concept of war and peace, outlining the major theories of security studies and international relations. International crises are analyzed as an opportunity for problem solving by using multilateral diplomacy. The course focuses on peace operations and actors such as states, international organizations and civil society.
International Organizations and NGOs POL 317 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course offers an in-depth view of international organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The course reviews the history of these organizations, the challenges they encounter and their relationships with states and stakeholders. The changing roles of NGOs and international organizations in such fields as human rights, international peace and security and economic and social development is examined. This course also considers the special role that international organizations and NGOs play today in international relations, the internal organizational challenges as well as the changing policy contexts in which they operate.
Public Relations COM 208 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The course focuses on the importance of public relations as a management tool for communicating with media and internally with employees and shareholders. Specific techniques for influencing people are presented in this course.
Global Communication Strategies COM 209 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course examines communication across various cultures. Students study how communication is affected in cross-cultural contexts influences in order to better understand communication processes in such settings. Examples of successful cross-cultural communication are examined.
Digital Media Production COM 303 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The objective of this course is to provide students with an overview of the tools and skills needed to manage and produce digital projects. This course covers the management of digital projects from the concept and storyboard phase to the final product and its promotion. Students gain hands-on experience by participating in the production of a multimedia clip incorporating video and animation.
Algorithms and Data Structure CSC 205 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course introduces students to the most common algorithms and data structures in use on computers today. It explores the abstract data types of linked lists, queues, tables, stacks, graphs, and trees for sorting, searching and string processing. It also shows how one can implement them in programming languages using fundamental data structures.
Software Engineering CSC 215 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course covers methods and tools associated with the entire software development life cycle, including: how to analyze problems, gather and validate requirements, functional and database design, implementation, testing, debugging and maintenance. It also examines software metrics and software cost estimation.
Data Base Systems CSC 225 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The goal of this course is to introduce students the theoretical and practical aspects of database management systems. It covers the relational data model, database design and tuning, normalization, and querying databases.
Web Applications Development (.Net) CSC 235 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course explores Web technologies such as Extended Markup Language (XML) and introduces students to the fundamentals of web applications and web servers.
Computer Networks CSC 245 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course explores the basic concepts of computer networks by examining and comparing network topologies, protocols and standards. It also examines the Local area networks (LAN) and Wide area networks (WAN) and the services built on top of them.
Computer Architecture CSC 255 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course introduces students to the layers and abstractions of modern computer systems architectures. It examines the representation, storage, management and transmission of data on the computer and management of resources including the role of performance in computer design.
International Economics ECO 300 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course covers such topics as international trade issues, international monetary systems and economic development and growth. Subjects of actual relevance, such as globalization and the European Monetary Union, are discussed in detail. Prerequisites: Micro-Economics and Macro-Economics(ECO 125 and ECO 235).
Marketing Strategies MKG 310 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The goal of this course is to introduce students to marketing analysis and strategies. Topics covered include the marketing mix, market planning and implementation through case studies. Prerequisite: Principles of Marketing (MKG 115).
Financial Management FIN 315 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The course covers financial analysis tools used for evaluating corporate performance and forecasting future financial needs. It introduces techniques for managing working capital and optimizing the firm’s long-term capital structure. Prerequisite: Essentials of Finance (FIN 201).
Leadership MGT 480 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The purpose of the course is to introduce students to leadership theories aimed at leading, influencing and coordinating team members in the workplace. Students will identify their own leadership attributes and improve their skills through practical exercises. Real world business cases will be analyzed to identify successful and less successful examples of leadership.
International Trade & Policy TRA 408 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The goal of this course is to study the determinants of trade and to examine how trade affects the distribution of real income in the economy. Students will become familiar with terms related to international trade and gain understanding about international trade policy in developed and developing nations. The course presents various theories, trade barriers, their instruments and impact on social welfare, the political economy of trade barriers and the evolution of trade organizations. Students will study the role and function of the World Trade Organization in the global context of free and fair trade agreements.
Corporate Governance MGT 490 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course studies the system by which companies are directed and managed. The aim of this course is for students to understand that corporate governance is a framework for accountability and a vehicle which encourages companies to create value. Students will understand that establishing the roles of the board and management are fundamental to any corporate structure. Students will also understand how corporate governance influences the setting of objectives, their achievement, how risk is monitored and assessed and how performance is optimized.
International Business BUS 402 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course develops the knowledge required for conducting business successfully in an international setting. Issues relating to the design and implementation of foreign entry strategies, the organizing and controlling aspects of a multinational corporation, and the role of global financial markets in doing international business are analyzed through case studies.
Sustainable Development ENV 421 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
Sustainable Development is a course that demonstrates the need for examining the linkages among economic, social, technological, and environmental issues in achieving a sustainable global society. Building on the multi-disciplinary nature of environmental studies, the course incorporates various aspects of economics, social engineering, ethics, politics, and science. The course discusses strategies, legislations, innovations and best practices for more sustainable economies in the future.
Business Policy BUS 498 3 Credits (4 ECTS) (capstone Course)
This course emphasizes the impact of strategic decisions on the overall performance of the firm. This is a capstone course and concentrates on management, finance and other issues that affect the firm. Case analysis is the method used to review business problems.
The Art of Diplomacy POL 318 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course provides students with an introduction to diplomacy: how it functions within international relations, both today and historically. The development of diplomacy, the influence of politics and its central role in international relations is considered. The course reflects on key questions including: is there a “diplomatic method”? Can a “diplomatic personality” help states find a compromise? Are strong personages vital to diplomacy?
National and International Security Studies POL 331 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course explores the concept of international security from national, cultural and international perspectives. It reviews how definitions of security have changed over time and how they are reflected in the development of international relations. The debate over the continuing dominance of military and state-based approaches to security is considered in the context of the widening of the security agenda. In addition to this conceptual approach, the course looks at specific case studies of security issues in the modern world.
Emerging Markets and Regional Cooperation POL 403 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course offers a comprehensive look at emerging markets and their role in the new global economy. The students examine conceptual theories and historical cases to consider their potential, weaknesses and strengths. The course provides an in-depth understanding of the business, political, and social/cultural issues of emerging markets and how they compete with developed countries, markets and regions. The growth of regional political and economic alliances in Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia and Eastern and Central Europe is discussed.
Foreign Policy and Decision Making POL 319 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course provides both the theoretical framework and practical skills necessary to analyze international events using foreign policy concepts. Decision making practices are examined by exploring the foreign policy processes at national and regional levels. Special emphasis is placed on the role of decision makers and civil society. With the use of case studies, students learn how decision makers define an issue, evaluate risk, prioritize options and take action.
Comparative Politics in the Nation State POL 316 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
Despite being taken for granted in the modern world, the nation state is a relatively recent institution. The course will trace its origins and antecedents and examine the state system with its strengths and weaknesses. The nation state is analyzed in how it relates to transnational actors and processes – the corporate sector, world trade and migration flows, terrorist networks and military interventions.
International Relations Capstone Course POL 498 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This capstone course reviews key issues in international relations with an emphasis on economic relations and foreign policy, international organization and multilateral diplomacy. It focuses on global governance in areas such as peace and security, energy and environment, human development and human rights, regional integration and cooperation.
Introduction to Journalism COM 308 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
Introduction to Journalism is a study of basic rhetorical and ethical principles of journalism. The course includes writing and editing style, investigative and interpretive reporting, ethics and legal issues, broadcast, wire and internet trends.
Identity and Reputation Management COM 310 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course analyzes the various tools required to build up and maintain a successful corporate identity, image and reputation. Students examine the effects and impact of the corporate brand and how they relate to the meaning interpreted by stakeholders.
New Media COM 314 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course explores the impact of «new media» on corporate communications and how audiences increasingly interact with organizations and each other through emerging digital and electronic communications: web sites, digital video, and virtual 3-D environments. Students gain hands-on experience in using and managing the latest forms of digital communications.
Media and Communication Capstone COM 499 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The Media and Communication Capstone Course provides students with a strategic approach to communication planning and implementation. Building on media and communication courses undertaken during the bachelor program. The Capstone Course reinforces and expands upon some of the key learning points of the program.
IT Service and Security Management CSC 315 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The course provides students with an introduction to service and security management: prevention of incidents, faster resolution of problems and more secure introduction of changes. It examines Service Support (Incident, problem, change and release management), Service Delivery (Service Level, Availability, Capacity, Financial and continuity management) processes and the implementation of information security infrastructure, identity management, threat management and access management.
IT Project Management CSC 425 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course introduces students to the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to achieve specific targets within specified budget and time constraints for IT projects. It examines each of the following project management knowledge areas: Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, Human Resources, Communications, Risk, Procurement and Integration management.
Information Systems (Capstone Course) CSC 498 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course reinforces and expands upon some of the key learning points of the Computer Science program through an individual development assignment/project involving requirements gathering, analysis, design, implementation and project documentation.
Advertising MKG 225 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course provides a comprehensive study of the correlation between media and advertising. During the course, organizations active in the field of advertising introduce students to different advertising and communication campaigns.
Consumer Behavior MKG 245 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The aim of this course is to provide students with a basic understanding of consumers and consumer behavior and how they influence marketing strategy. Students will understand and apply consumer behavior within a behavioral science framework in order to learn how to develop and implement effective marketing strategies.
International Money and Banking FIN 345 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This advanced course examines how international monetary systems function and the meaning of monetary policy from the point of view of banks and other major financial institutions including the International Monetary Fund. Students will analyze various monetary theories and how changes in the volume of money impact on capital formation, national income, employment, prices and interest rates.
International Finance FIN 400 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The course examines financial management issues in an international setting. Specific topics covered include exchange rates, currency risk, transnational acquisitions, transfer pricing and financing international trade.
International Investment Management FIN 431 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The course introduces students to the financial issues facing corporations making international investment decisions. It covers international monetary environment, international investment and market equilibrium, equity and bond investment.
Services Marketing MKG 433 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The course aims to provide students with a practical understanding of the function of marketing in the service sector of the economy. The goal of this course is to enable students to grasp, adopt and apply the details of service marketing operations in a variety of practical solutions.
E-Commerce MKG 458 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course takes a comprehensive look at how the new information technology is fundamentally transforming the way business is done today, and offers practical examples on moving into the digital age. Using examples from leading-edge organizations that are successfully riding the IT wave, the course covers how the new technology is altering the way products are created and marketed; how it is shifting the dynamics of competition, and, in fact, is transforming all of the rules which govern business success. The course also introduces the student to concepts of how management could take advantage of the technology which drives business today.
Risk Management FIN 478 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
The course looks at the wide variety of risks and uncertainties that business organizations face. Special attention is given to two specific areas: the treatment of risk in capital investment decisions and techniques for managing market-related risks in commodities, currencies, money and capital markets. The course is designed to be as practical as possible.
Auditing ACC 479 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course covers auditing standards and procedures for examining financial statements in business and other organizations. Major topics to be addressed include such practices and processes as audit standards, audit objectives, the conceptual framework for the collection of evidence, risk assessment, audit reporting, operational auditing and the preparation of audit programs. Students will also study the impact of computer controlled processes on the total audit environment.
Luxury Goods and Services - Markets and Trends LUX 401 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This foundation course analyzes the luxury goods market and industry trends. Using a case study and project-based learning approach, the course examines ways in which strategic thinking, creativity, and business skills are integrated in the successful luxury goods firm. Topics include general management of the luxury good or service firm, luxury brand management, product development, pricing, and supply chain management in the luxury industry.
Marketing of Luxury Goods LUX 402 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course provides an overview of the entire luxury marketing management process. Focusing on the luxury consumer, the course examines market research, segmentation, targeting and positioning, branding, pricing, product development, retailing, and communication strategies in the luxury industry. Using well established brands as examples, the course delves into consumer and buyer behavior analysis.
Managing Brands Internationally LUX 404 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course provides an overview of the ways in which luxury brands are conceived, developed and protected. It focuses on defining the luxury industry in relation to the concept of prestige and image while also imparting techniques and strategies for developing an international luxury brand. A practical approach is emphasized throughout the course by reference to real world examples and proven tools used to build a luxury brand.
Luxury Sales and Online Strategies LUX 405 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course will provide an overview of the processes and principles of luxury sales and online strategies. The course will focus on the key roles of sales in the delivery mechanism and the emerging of online channels for marketing and purchasing components.
Market Research MKG 432 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
This course examines the concepts and practical methodologies used in marketing research. It provides an overview of the marketing research process, with emphasis on research design, data instrument design, questionnaire formulation, sampling plans and data collection methods, Emphasis will be on cases and research projects.
Business Management in the Luxury Sector LUX 406 3 Credits (4 ECTS)
In this course students will develop a business plan taking into consideration the international environment, competition and the comparative advantage of the firm. Students will analyze the strategic positioning of the brands in terms of pricing, distribution and creating superior value for consumers, including after sales service.