L'International Institute in Geneva dispose d'un Conseil des étudiants fort et actif dans des domaines comme les activités sociales, le service communautaire et le plaidoyer. Des réunions hebdomadaires sont tenues pour résoudre les problèmes des étudiants et pour recommander et appliquer des changements dans l'environnement des étudiants. Les activités spécifiques comprennent la préparation du yearbook, des activités de service communautaire avec l'Organisation des Nations Unies et l'UNICEF, et des excursions culturelles en Suisse et au-delà.

Attending the Institute is a big step in forging your future, therefore the place you choose as the stepping stone to transition from High School to your future profession is of great importance. The International Institute in Geneva is the ideal place to launch yourself into the real world and to be well prepared by the global education its fantastically qualified teaching staff provides. In the world we live in right now, full of controversy and misconceptions, the importance of the multi-cultural environment that our Institute offers us, the students, is truly invaluable.


Our purpose as Student Council is to facilitate the interaction between the faculty and the students. Our role is to ensure that all the students are listened to and represented. Our mission is to provide the best environment we can to everyone attending the International Institute in Geneva.

The Student Council is built by a strong team, focusing on key student requirements and interests. For this reason, all members have specific, assigned tasks such as: student communication, event organiser, treasurer, secretary, yearbook design, chairman of charities and finally President and Vice-President. We also added the first year representative role to help facilitate the integration and involvement of new students in their new Institute.
We host weekly meetings in order to have updated feedback from the events which we organize on a regular basis to ensure that everyone has a chance to participate to at least some of them. From the feedback we receive from our student body we adapt our events in order to ensure that we improve from our mistakes and always provide innovation with what we do.

Throughout the year we have already organized many events ranging from, the Welcome Back event in September to the IIG Halloween party, as well as the latest new year event at Vanity Club, where we received a record of charity donations on a single event. This year we continue to support WWF as our support to their charity last year was greatly appreciated by the students.

After the previous years' incredible success of the IIG Model United Nations team at Harvard World Model U.N in Madrid, the most prestigious university level conference in the world. Next year, the edition will be held in Tokyo City, from the 13th to 18th of March. This year the delegation was made up of 12 students coming from 12 different countries in the world, truly showing the multicultural entity of our Institute's student body.

The work we have done so far can always be improved and as such we strongly encourage all students to join the Student Council so that they can add their creativity and their ideas in making this university an even better place for everyone.

IIG Student Council


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